Homeopathy and herbal medicine


The fundamental idea of homeopathy is the Similarity (or Similia) Principle: ‘Similia similibus curentur’ (‘Let like be cured by like’), stated by the German physician Samuel Hahnemann (1755–1843) in 1796. This implies that substances capable of causing disorder in healthy subjects, are used as medicines to treat similar patterns of disorder experienced by ill people.  Homeopathic medicines are aimed to direct and stimulate the body’s self-regulatory mechanisms which means, they don't stop certain chemical mechanisms in the body the way medical drugs (i.e. painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs). do.

Another principle of homeopathy is individualisation of treatment for the patient. The characteristics of the chosen medicine should be as similar as possible to the characteristics of the illness in the patient. Similarity may be at the ‘whole person’ level, taking into account the symptoms and signs of the disease, the patient’s physical build, personality, temperament and genetic predispositions.

See constitutional treatment of children.

Herbal Medicine

Therapy with medical herbs, which often have fewer side effects than conventional medical drugs. Due to my studies of biology, I still have a high “affinity” to herbs and like to use tinctures and herbal medical teas in my practice, i.e. “menopausal tea”, “get pregnant tea”, “fat burner tea”.